Who We Are

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The Katharine Howard Foundation (KHF) is an independent Foundation focused on improving the lives of young children and their families.

Our work is underpinned by a commitment to equality and overcoming disadvantage and to promoting equality of opportunity for all children. We work with others in identifying their needs, building on existing programmes, making strategic grants and sharing the learning. KHF aims to contribute to the development of policy and practice, particularly in the early years and family support sectors.

Katharine Howard

The Katharine Howard Foundation (KHF) was established in 1979 by Katharine Howard, who was the last survivor of the Earls of Wicklow and resided most of her adult life in Co Wexford. She set up the Foundation with assistance from friends who agreed to support her by becoming Trustees. Her intention was to support locally based projects and community activities.

Initially she allocated modest funds to the Trust which distributed small amounts of funds until her death in 1990. Subsequently her estate and that of her American grandmother was then added to her endowment fund and this greatly increased the funding that was available to distribute. These funds were then carefully invested by the Trustees who also expanded the organisation and sought advice to become strategic and focused about its grant making. For more information on Katharine Howard and her life, please click here

The work of the Foundation includes: Advocacy and development work, providing funding through strategic grants and developing and implementing collaborative innovative programmes/initiatives.

KHF places great emphasis on working in partnership with statutory, community and voluntary organisations and other funders. This partnership approach has proved successful over the years and has affirmed the Foundation’s developmental approach to its work in engaging in special projects especially in the area of young children and family support. KHF has built in a support role accompanying grants where possible, and this support role includes an emphasis on designing and planning Programmes and Initiatives and supporting delivery and implementation through a considered and reflective approach. The impact of providing funding along with implementation support, has strengthened the partnerships made by KHF within the sector in which it operates.

KHF has implemented several strategic grant programmes since 2001 and through this work, developed a positive track record of working in partnership with statutory, community and voluntary organisations and other funders. This partnership approach has proved successful over the years and helped the Foundation to meet its objectives.


Our Approach


Katharine Howard Foundation (KHF) is an independent Foundation focused on improving the lives of young children and their families. The Foundation does this through working with others to identify needs, building on existing initiatives, formulating new initiatives, making strategic grants, gathering and sharing learning, contributing to the development of policy and practice and protecting the Foundation’s endowment fund.


The key principles that underpin KHF’s work are:

  • A belief that KHF can make a difference through focused interventions based on collaboration, reflective learning, adding value and flexibility.
  • A commitment to equality and overcoming disadvantage and to promote equality of opportunity for all children.
  • A commitment to work on the ground with people and communities.
  • A commitment to apply respect, integrity and empathy in all aspects of KHF’s work.
  • A commitment to transparency and accountability throughout all KHF’s work.


The Katharine Howard Foundation is a registered charity committed to maintaining the highest standard of governance, in full compliance with the core standards of the 6 principles of the Governance Code of the Charity Regulatory Authority:

  • Advancing Charitable Purpose
  • Behaving with Integrity
  • Leading People
  • Exercising Control
  • Working Effectively
  • Being Accountable & Transparent

The Foundation prepares an annual report and annual financial statement and audit in compliance with the Charities SORP. The annual reports and full audited accounts can be viewed here.