National College of Ireland is delighted to announce an Early Years Conference recognising the value and importance of the Home Learning Environment, for children’s development and learning. The conference will take place on 23 June. Call for abstracts are now open to be submitted by 18 March. More information here Click on image for full...
Category: News & Articles
Start Strong Launch of
EARLY YEARS #GE16 Early Years #GE16 is a campaign to ensure affordable, accessible, quality early years services and to strengthen family leave. Read about the campaign here
Early Learning Initiative January Newsletter
Docklands and East Inner ABC/ELI’s current newsletter It will bring you up-to-date with the activities of 6,500+ children, families and professionals, who are involved with the Docklands and East Inner City ABC Programme and the Early Learning Initiative in the National College of Ireland.
Start Strong eNewsletter December 2015
In this edition of the newsletter: Election Issues – Child Poverty, Early Years EU and Irish Childcare Policy National Skills Strategy Government Plan for Supporting Children with Disabilities Impact of Childcare at 3 Years Old Ireland before UN in New Year Oireachtas Update Full newsletter here
Nationwide Report – Philanthropy Programme 14 December
RTE One’s Nationwide programme showcased a number of interesting projects around Ireland supported by CFI’s donors in their Philanthropy focused episode on Monday 14 December. Click here to see the episode on RTE Player website
Parent Child Home Programme helps those at an educational disadvantage
Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, Dublin, one of the 16 Core Funded Projects under the PSI, is mentioned in this article in the Independent on Wednesday 25 November, ‘Early start closes the education divide of rich and poor’ Read the full article here
Hands Up for Children campaign
Hands Up for Children is about five simple, powerful principles that we want election candidates to adopt to ensure that Prevention and Early Intervention is a core commitment in party election manifestos, and is included as a priority in the new programme for government. For further information on the campagin, upcoming events and how to...
Early Learning Initiative Community Update 2014-15
Last year, over 4,600 children, parents, professionals and volunteers were involved in Early Learning Initiative with satisfaction rates of 99% across all programmes. They share some of the highlights of 2014-15 in this update. Click here to download the brochure.
Start Strong October 2015 eNewsletter
In this edition of the Start Strong Newsletter: Budget 2016 Analysis General Election Campaign – An Election for Children Pobal Annual Survey Research Update Oireachtas Update Read the newsletter here
HSE launches new baby booklets
The HSE has launched three new booklets and an online resource aimed at helping the parents of babies and young children. The booklets cover the first five years of a child’s life and include information on feeding, sleeping, playing and development. They also provide tips for parents on how to cope, including information on going...